Flora Malesiana
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- Publication date
- 1950
- Topics
- Phytogeography, Plant collectors
- Publisher
- Djakarta : Noordhoff-Kolff
- Collection
- biodiversity; NY_Botanical_Garden; americana
- Contributor
- New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz Library
- Language
- English
- Volume
- v.8 pt.2
- Item Size
- 404.3M
"Being an illustrated systematic account of the Malaysian flora, including keys for determination, diagnostic descriptions, references to the literature, synonymy, and distribution, and notes on the ecology of its wild and commonly cultivated plants
At head of title, v. <1>: Republik Indonesia, Kementerian Pertanian = Republic of Indonesia, Ministry of Agriculture; v. 4: 's Lands Plantentuin = Botanic Gardens, Buitenzorg, Java, Indonesia; v. <6>- , Republik Indonesia, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (L.I.P.I.) = Republic of Indonesia, Indonesian Institute of Sciences
"Revisions of the families will be printed in the sequence in which they are finished, irrespective of the alliance ..."--Vol. 4, p. after t.p
Vol. 1, c. 2 contains "General part" only (p. [i]-clii)
Vol. 4, pt. 1, c. 2, contains "Sample treatment" of v. 1-2
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
(PARTIAL) v. 1. Malaysian plant collectors and collections / M.J. van Steenis-Kruseman -- v. 4. Flora proper -- v. 4, pt. 5, suppl. Dates of publication -- v. 5, pt. 4. Malaysian plant collectors and collections. Supplement I / by M.J. van Steenis-Kruseman -- v. 6, pt. 1-5. Flora -- v. 6, pt. 6. Addenda and index to v. 4-6 -- v. 7, pt. 1-3. Flora -- v. 7, pt. 4. Dedications, revisions, addenda, index -- v. 8. Cyclopaedia of collectors supplement II (with index) / M.J. van Steenis-Kruseman; Taxonomical revisions; Addenda to volumes 4-8; Index -- v. 9. Flora -- v. 10. Flora -- v. 11. Flora -- v. 11, pt. 3. Sapindaceae / F. Adema, P.W. Leehouts, P.C. van Welzen -- v. 12, pt. 1. Meliaceae / D.J. Mabberley, C.M. Pannell, A.M. Sing -- v. 12, pt. 2. Caesalpiniaceae / Ding Hou, K. Larsen, S.S. Larsen; Geitonoplesiaceae / J.E. Laferriere; Hernandiaceae / B.E.E. Duyfjes; Lowiaceae / K. Larsen -- v. 13. Rafflesiaceae / W. Meijer; Boraginaceae / H. Reidl; Daphniphyllaceae / T.-C. Huang; Illiciaceae & Schisandraceae / R.M.K. Saunders; Loranthaceae & Viscaceae / B.A. Barlow -- v. 14. Myristicaceae / W.J.J.O. de Wilde -- v. 15. Nepenthaceae / M. Cheek & M. Jebb -- v. 16. Caryophyllaceae / K. Larsen ; Cunoniaceae / H.C. Fortune Hopkins & R.D. Hoogland ; Potamogetonaceae, Zosteraceae, Cymodoceaceae / C. den Hartog & G. Wiegleb -- v. 17, Pt. 2. Moraceae (Ficus) / C.C. Berg & E.J.H. Corner; v. 17, pt. 2, Suppl. CD-ROM. Key to the Malesian species of Ficus -- v. 18. Apocynaceae : subfamilies Rauvolfioideae and Apocynoideae / D.J. Middleton --
At head of title, v. <1>: Republik Indonesia, Kementerian Pertanian = Republic of Indonesia, Ministry of Agriculture; v. 4: 's Lands Plantentuin = Botanic Gardens, Buitenzorg, Java, Indonesia; v. <6>- , Republik Indonesia, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (L.I.P.I.) = Republic of Indonesia, Indonesian Institute of Sciences
"Revisions of the families will be printed in the sequence in which they are finished, irrespective of the alliance ..."--Vol. 4, p. after t.p
Vol. 1, c. 2 contains "General part" only (p. [i]-clii)
Vol. 4, pt. 1, c. 2, contains "Sample treatment" of v. 1-2
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
(PARTIAL) v. 1. Malaysian plant collectors and collections / M.J. van Steenis-Kruseman -- v. 4. Flora proper -- v. 4, pt. 5, suppl. Dates of publication -- v. 5, pt. 4. Malaysian plant collectors and collections. Supplement I / by M.J. van Steenis-Kruseman -- v. 6, pt. 1-5. Flora -- v. 6, pt. 6. Addenda and index to v. 4-6 -- v. 7, pt. 1-3. Flora -- v. 7, pt. 4. Dedications, revisions, addenda, index -- v. 8. Cyclopaedia of collectors supplement II (with index) / M.J. van Steenis-Kruseman; Taxonomical revisions; Addenda to volumes 4-8; Index -- v. 9. Flora -- v. 10. Flora -- v. 11. Flora -- v. 11, pt. 3. Sapindaceae / F. Adema, P.W. Leehouts, P.C. van Welzen -- v. 12, pt. 1. Meliaceae / D.J. Mabberley, C.M. Pannell, A.M. Sing -- v. 12, pt. 2. Caesalpiniaceae / Ding Hou, K. Larsen, S.S. Larsen; Geitonoplesiaceae / J.E. Laferriere; Hernandiaceae / B.E.E. Duyfjes; Lowiaceae / K. Larsen -- v. 13. Rafflesiaceae / W. Meijer; Boraginaceae / H. Reidl; Daphniphyllaceae / T.-C. Huang; Illiciaceae & Schisandraceae / R.M.K. Saunders; Loranthaceae & Viscaceae / B.A. Barlow -- v. 14. Myristicaceae / W.J.J.O. de Wilde -- v. 15. Nepenthaceae / M. Cheek & M. Jebb -- v. 16. Caryophyllaceae / K. Larsen ; Cunoniaceae / H.C. Fortune Hopkins & R.D. Hoogland ; Potamogetonaceae, Zosteraceae, Cymodoceaceae / C. den Hartog & G. Wiegleb -- v. 17, Pt. 2. Moraceae (Ficus) / C.C. Berg & E.J.H. Corner; v. 17, pt. 2, Suppl. CD-ROM. Key to the Malesian species of Ficus -- v. 18. Apocynaceae : subfamilies Rauvolfioideae and Apocynoideae / D.J. Middleton --
- Addeddate
- 2010-02-08 19:40:54
- Associated-names
- Steenis, C. G. G. J. van (Cornelis Gijsbert Gerrit Jan); Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. van; Indonesia. Departemen Pertanian; Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia; Kebun Raya Indonesia
- Call number
- 1109205
- Camera
- Canon 5D
- Duediligence
- http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/permissions
- External-identifier
- Foldoutcount
- 0
- Identifier
- floramalesiana82stee
- Identifier-ark
- ark:/13960/t02z1vv4x
- Identifier-bib
- 1109205
- Lccn
- 72175112 //r85
- Ocr
- tesseract 5.3.0-3-g9920
- Ocr_detected_lang
- en
- Ocr_detected_lang_conf
- 1.0000
- Ocr_detected_script
- Latin
- Ocr_detected_script_conf
- 1.0000
- Ocr_module_version
- 0.0.19
- Ocr_parameters
- -l eng
- Page-progression
- lr
- Page_number_confidence
- 98
- Page_number_module_version
- 1.0.5
- Pages
- 280
- Pdf_module_version
- 0.0.22
- Ppi
- 400
- Scandate
- 20100211155919
- Scanner
- scribe2.nyc.archive.org
- Scanningcenter
- nyc
- Year
- 1950-
- Full catalog record
This book is
available with additional data
Biodiversity Heritage Library.
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